43 (1) 401 84 0 office@ftp-lawfirm.at

Wills and Inheritance

Advice and counselling on wills, testamentary pacts and matrimonial property agreements

Winding up the estate representing all heirs

Representing one or more heirs or beneficiaries in probate proceedings

Enforcement of claims against an estate in and out of court 

Fiduciary payment of compensation

  • Using the bar’s Electronic Trust Register or
  • Upon special request without informing the bar’s Electronic Trust Register on any details

Representation in proceedings at the Tax Office for Fees and Transfer Taxes

  • In matters of tax declaration
  • In matters of assessing inheritance tax

Updating entries in the Land Register, the Register of Companies and other public registers to reflect changes caused by probate proceedings 


Stadiongasse 6-8
1010 Vienna

Phone  43 (1) 401 84 0

Fax  43 (1) 408 64 85
